Image as an SEO tool for Edmonton Websites

People tend to forget to pay attention to image as an SEO tool for Edmonton websites. Good Search engine optimization campaigns focus on good content for Edmonton websites, overlooking images and its importance for SEO purposes. One can use images to draw visitors through organic image search. This is can be done with the help of Google webmasters tool. There is an option called “Enable enhanced image search”, which helps to catalogue images for search result placements increasing online website traffic. It is however important to tell google or other search engines what these images are showing.

Image size matters a lot when using image as an SEO tool for Edmonton websites promotion. Large images rank better but by large it means 300 x 300 pixels. If the image cannot be displayed that big, then link to a larger version will help. However, make sure you do not alter the image quality while resizing your image.
Placement of the image also plays an important role in promoting image as an SEO tool for Edmonton websites. Keywords should be placed above or below the image in the same DIV tag or paragraph as the image. The title, content and image should all be connected to each other to ensure link and thus its promotion. When possible be descriptive with your image file name.

Alt Tags are there to provide alternative text when the images cannot be displayed so be descriptive about the image on Edmonton Website. Image title tags play an important role too as they show up when you rollover the image in a pop up window. Image sitemap can also be helpful. All these things above can be helpful as an SEO Tool for your Edmonton Websites.